Recent Stories

Barbara’s Story: No Sign Anything...

Lynda Nance
Weeks after undergoing her first mammogram, Barbara Hollis learned she had a type of breast cancer called DCIS. "I had...

Summer Air Travel Tips for...

Jenni Autry
With vacation season in full swing, there are steps those living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and their caregivers can...

Melissa’s Story: Am I Going...

Lynda Nance
Melissa Jones learned she had invasive ductal carcinoma in September 2017. This is her story in her own words. Within...

You Are Your Best Advocate

Lynda Nance
Mary Ann Mitchell Holand learned she had stage 2B breast cancer in 2009. "I was in shock. I was mad,"...

Charlotte’s Story: Three Strikes &...

Lynda Nance
Charlotte Tallas underwent treatment for breast cancer in 2003 and 2010. In 2017, she began to experience leg pain and...

SCREENS For Cancer Act Expands...

Amanda DeBard
Susan G. Komen supports the bipartisan, bicameral SCREENS Act to provide access to breast cancer screening for low-income, underinsured or...

Going Flat? Self-Advocacy is Key 

Amanda DeBard
A recent Washington Post article explored the issue of going flat after a mastectomy. Komen asked Katrin Van Dam, an...

How Your Generosity is Funding...

Jenni Autry
For Komen Scholar Alana Welm, Ph.D., researching metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is the greatest unmet medical need in breast cancer...

The Importance of Movement and...

Jenni Autry
With her active lifestyle, Sian Preston, a personal trainer and mother of two, never imagined she would be diagnosed with...

Practice-changing Research Results Announced At...

Amanda Skahan
Researchers and clinicians recently convened at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the world’s largest cancer conference, where the...

Get Moving: 5 Ways to...

Jenni Autry
Research shows that women who get regular exercise have about a 10-20% lower risk of breast cancer than women who...

Eli Levene: ‘The Human Side...

Jenni Autry
As a 41-year-old mother of two, Eli Levene had just started a new job as the executive director of a...