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Exercise After Breast Cancer Treatment

As a breast cancer survivor and patient advocate, I’m often asked for advice from people who were newly diagnosed about what to do and what to expect. 

One question that comes up frequently is: How soon will I be able to exercise after my treatments?

Some people continue to work out even during treatments, and just adjust the level of intensity accordingly. Exercise is wonderful and helps improve balance, keeps muscles strong, eases nausea and decreases fatigue. 

Always, always, always talk to your doctor first about your plans. If surgery is involved, it might complicate the recovery time if you are too aggressive with your exercise, but your medical team can give more detailed guidance. 

Once finished and cleared by your medical team, there are many options that help curb side effects and will boost your mental well-being, too! There are modified poses in Yoga that help improve range of motion, and runners might consider implant placement during reconstruction to assure they can resume their running methods. 

Achieving at least 150 minutes of exercise per week is recommended for breast cancer patients. I know it’s hard… those of us who have had multiple surgeries and countless treatments understand the challenges of exercise BUT just start simply. A walk around the block is a good beginning!